Hi, 👋 I’m Chloe, a mum and wife with a Master of Teaching (Special Education) and a Bachelor of Teaching (Primary). Becoming a mum to our beautiful little boy has been the most amazing experience of my life. It’s transformed my relationship with my husband and given us a fresh outlook on life.
It’s also been a whirlwind of emotions, with feelings of overwhelm intensified by the sheer amount of information and products available to parents. This is where my blog comes in. As I navigate all the information to make decisions for our son, I often wonder if there’s a better way to share this knowledge so that parents can access a variety of perspectives without having to flip through numerous one-sided pages on topics like sleep methods, parenting strategies, and introducing solids
I also wish I hadn’t purchased a few products along the way and that more people knew about other options. I hope to share these insights with you. This blog is my way of consolidating information for other parents in one place, sharing my experiences raising our son, and offering first-hand reviews of baby products I love and ones I wish we hadn’t bought. My aim is to be real, honest, and light-hearted, while helping to ease some of the stress of parenting decisions.
- Chloe xo